15 年前,当我创立 ChocoVivo 时,这是一个想法,一个想法,正如我喜欢说的,天真的想法。 9/11 事件发生后的某个时刻,我坐在床上思考,我现在才 20 多岁,我的人生在做什么?这就是我经过四年艰苦的常春藤盟校教育后所期待的吗?因此,我必须跟随正在形成的暗流,所以我继续了这次不寻常的冒险,寻找巧克力对我的意义。
本周,ChocoVivo 遭到入侵。到达时玻璃门碎了。五名警察在 ChocoVivo 面前告诉我“退后!他可能就在里面!”正如你们大多数人都认识我一样,我翻了个白眼,心想,我想光天化日之下没人在那儿,而你已经在这里呆了至少 20 分钟了。但我得到了协议以及最终的蜗牛回复和文书工作。相当多的东西被偷了。没有什么比从供应室偷一些回形针更值得忽视和超越的了。事后诸葛亮总是告诉你你应该这样做。
有人告诉我,ChocoVivo 是一个有生命的东西。我生了这个。这是我的孩子。正如我的治疗师所说:“不要杀死孩子。有很多可能性。”我无奈地看着她,说:“我累了。”
我不明白为什么有人会闯入一家小女人、少数族裔开的巧克力店。我们不是链条。我们不是大企业。 (如果我们这样做的话可能会更容易,因为我们会有更好的保险单。)我们有一个使命。我们有联系。我们试图通过巧克力和历史背景来提供一些快乐,即巧克力不仅仅是一块 99 美分的糖果。
第二天,当我独自一人在店里时,我的脑海中浮现出感激之情。当我抗拒时,泪水涌出,但允许它落在我身上并完全接受它。屈服于这一生将要发生的事情的命运,但要完全存在并感激所有来到我身边让我发笑、激怒我、让我脸上挂着微笑并教给我一些东西的人。因为这只是我们将要生活的生活的一个维度,而且很快就会结束。虽然看起来像是永远。我脑海中轻柔地闪过的一句话是“臣服并感恩”。它会来。”诗篇 30:11-12 是我在俄克拉荷马州的基督徒青年时代的日子,当我们转过这个弯,收拾残局,度过未来不确定的时期时,我想起了诗篇 30:11-12:他再次将我的哀悼变成了舞蹈。他解除了我的悲伤。我不能保持沉默,我必须歌唱,因为他的喜乐已经来到。”
ChocoVivo 所有者兼创始人
Thank you for that beautifully written uplifting expression. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and feelings. I’m so sorry about the break in. I will be in later today to pick up a Father’s Day gift. Please don’t leave the neighborhood!!
I am so sorry to hear this! We used to live down the street from ChocoVivo, before we sold our house and took to the road to explore the continent in an Airstream three years ago. What a lovely little business You have created. To think that you are at the effect of the societal changes we are all living is just unfair. Why must people be so small, so petty? We will never know, and I can see that you are asking all the right questions. Maybe a break is a good thing. Maybe it’s not. I know you’ll figure it out. Your path will reveal itself. Good luck and godspeed.
I’m so sorry about your store.
I will be saving this email to reflect back on. Very well written/said!
Ms. Tsai!
Bless you and thank you for your tender, beautifully written words.
From some tough old guys who knew what they were talking about, the following words might just offer you some hope:
“When you are going through hell, keep going.”
—attributed to Sir Winston Churchill at the end of World War II
“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.”
—Ernest Hemingway, “A Farewell To Arms,” 1929
Thank you for daring to dream yourself into a gem-of-a gathering place so beautiful that I’ll betcha that even this poor, sick soul who came in to hurt you felt the power of its—your—beauty.
Please keep on going and delight in the strength that you’ll feel as you dance through the broken places. Quite the adventure in chocolate, indeed.
May you and yours find the fun in finding the fix,
Susie Duff
Through all this pain came an incredibly moving piece that Should resonate with all of us. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story and shame on the sad soul who needed to break in to your shop. Forge on with what obviously sparks more joy in your life.
Thank goodness neither you nor your employees were hurt. My you continue to grace the world of chocolate.
Patricia, I’m heartbroken for you and Chocovivo. I and your many customer friends, new and old, are grateful you’re not giving up through all this tragedy. Entrepreneurs like you embody the best of the human spirit, and I hope we can help sustain you through these difficult times with our support and virtual hugs!
I haven’t been inside your store in a few years. But for some reason I decided to click on your email and it brought me here and your writing REALLY moved me. Your SITUATION moves me. I’m glad you’re choosing to stay a while longer and I can’t wait to drop in again and get some of your magical cacao. I’m overdue.
You are a Rockstar Patricia !!
We LOVE you and your amazing product !!
I will always support you 🤛🏽💦🐬🙌🙏🌊❤️💖❤️you are a Powerful Ninja !! Remember that !!
My Dearest Patricia ♥
I love you beyond words. You, your joyful spirit, healing chocolates and your safe space have been a haven for me for YEARS. I’m heartbroken to read what happened, but so inspired (as usual), by you and your dedication to being your authentic self. We, your customers, no, YOUR FAMILY, will be here to help you navigate through these crazy times we’re all facing. God knows that you have been there for me during challenging times, so it’s my honor to return the favor.
Kerri (and my niece Averie)