享受这些以 ChocoVivo 和 ChocoVivo 的可可专家为特色的播客的美味、流畅的声音。
Hunk 与 Mike Bridenstine - 2019 年 5 月 10 日
EP 012 - 巧克力 - 与巧克力制造商/可可专家,Patricia Tsai
“Brido 前往 ChocoVivo,这是一家位于卡尔弗城的可可豆巧克力工厂/商店,并与所有者/创造者/可可专家 Patricia Tsai 进行了交谈。您对巧克力的了解都是错误的。”
别碰我的周日- 2019 年 7 月 7 日
EP 04 - 巧克力
“长期以来人们都知道巧克力具有药用功效,但在这一集中,女神帕特里夏·蔡(ChocoVivo 的创造者)在我们目前的洛杉矶大本营中成为了我们自己的治疗师,我们留下了大批粉丝!
在 7 月 7 日世界巧克力日,我们希望找到一些原始且具有变革性的东西,比如“别碰我的周日”。
去事实吧! - 2019 年 12 月 20 日
EP 012 - 巧克力 - 与巧克力制造商/可可专家,Patricia Tsai
thanks to your co patricia i was sold on my nibs.there was no debris in the bag or stones!ill be buying more down the line.oh tes thank the farmer for me ,you have a great team. don
thanks to your co patricia i was sold on my nibs.there was no debris in the bag or stones!ill be buying more down the line.oh tes thank the farmer for me ,you have a great team. don
Dear Patricia,
As a neighborhood buyer of your amazing lines of chocolates, I want to commend you for being such a force for good to us all. From near and far, people come to sample the pure, tasty chocolates you and your delightful team continue to produce without fail.
Love all that you’re doing to make our lives more delicious!